Womens Ghostbuster Tunic Tank


Do you think Venkman and Egon are hiring at the Ghostbusters? Why don’t you wear this Womens Ghostbuster Tunic Tank and try getting a job with the team from the 1980’s movie?




Womens Ghostbuster Tunic Tank

Are you ready to join the ranks of top Ghostbuster along with Venkman, Stantz, Spengler, and Zeddmore? If the answer is a “yes” then you’ll need the perfect dress to wear while you hunt down some pesky poltergeists. This sassy costume will let you prove that you ain’t afraid of no ghost!

Womens Ghostbuster Tunic Tank | Halloween Costumes

Size: L | Cottonblend | MFA3044JBP1

Womens Ghostbuster Tunic Tank (80’s Costumes)