Pink Carebears Laplander Hat


We know that you secretly love Cheer Bear, but we think it’s time let the world know. The pink Carebears laplander hat even keeps you warm while doing it. Those bears think of everything.




Pink Carebears Laplander Hat

Caring can keep you pretty warm, but when it gets cold, caring alone just won’t do it. Cheer Bear has her own set of soft fur to help her out and she felt kind of bad that you don’t have your own, so she decided to make a Care Bear laplander hat. That way you can go on caring without having to worry about the cold weather.

Pink Carebears Laplander Hat | Halloween Costumes

Size: ST | Acrylic | BWBE2662CRB

Pink Carebears Laplander Hat (TV / Movie Costumes)