Cowgirl Gun and Holster Set


Don’t let the lawless run your town. Strap on your Cowgirl Gun and Holster Set and give those rooting tooting rustic rumblers a run for their money. That’s right, people in the wild west said things like rooting tooting!




Cowgirl Gun and Holster Set

Who says rustic and pink can’t collide to create a beautiful yet tastefully girly look? Seriously who? We want to know, a duel will be in order. Trust us, you don’t want to know what we’re drawing out of this Cowgirl Gun and Holster Set. *BAM, BAM*

Cowgirl Gun and Holster Set | Halloween Costumes

Size: ST | Plastic | FO63203

Cowgirl Gun and Holster Set (Indian & Cowboy Costumes)