Red Riding Hood Wrist Wallet


Outsmart the big bad wolf by hiding your valuables in this red riding hood wrist wallet! It cleverly matches your outfit and fastens securely to your wrist to keep everything safe while you are on the go.




Red Riding Hood Wrist Wallet

Little Red Riding Hood has that basket of food she’s taking to her grandmother, right? So, dear customer, you might ask, “Why would she need a pouch to carry her cell phone in when she has a basket? Huh,, WHY?” That is a very good question and we like to think that nowadays the Big Bad Wolf has moved on from trying to eat Red Riding Hood, to doing something more profitable like trying to get her smart phone. Maybe he just wants to download some sweet apps, but I bet Red Riding Hood doesn’t want him to get it either way. That’s why she should use our attractive yet discreet wrist wallet! It keeps all those things secure, and in a place that the Big Bad Wolf won’t suspect.

Red Riding Hood Wrist Wallet | Halloween Costumes

Size: ST | Polyester | FUN0225

Red Riding Hood Wrist Wallet (Storybook & Fairytale Costumes)