Karate Kid Miyagi Headband


You’ve learned all his lessons, like wax on, wax off, but now you must prove yourself with our Karate Kid Miyagi Headband!




Karate Kid Miyagi Headband

Who’d have thought that washing cars and painting fences were the keys to learning martial arts? It just goes to show that you never mess with the master’s teachings! Just in case your master forgot to give you a super-cool headband while he was teaching you, this one looks just like the one Mr. Miyagi gave to Daniel, right before his big win at the All-Valley Karate Tournament. All you have to do, is tie around your head and prepare to do the crane kick!

Karate Kid Miyagi Headband | Halloween Costumes

Size: ST | Cottonblend | KAR2226AD

Karate Kid Miyagi Headband (TV / Movie Costumes)