Domo Pink Tutu Child Dress


Domo Pink Tutu Child Dress


Domo has a feminine side! Your daughter will love prancing around in this Domo Pink Tutu Child Dress.




Domo Pink Tutu Child Dress

Domo is a lot of things to a lot of different people. To some, he’s a star. To others, he’s a strange creature. To a few others, he’s just another thing about Japan that they don’t understand. To us, he’s just plain cute! But maybe that’s just because we’ve seen this pink tutu dress based after the NHK character. When your little girl wears it, wear pretty sure you’ll fall in love with the quirky character too.

Domo Pink Tutu Child Dress | Halloween Costumes

Size: S | Polyester | LEDO48140PK

Domo Pink Tutu Child Dress (TV / Movie Costumes)