Deluxe Grease Adult Danny Wig


When you go in this Deluxe Grease Adult Danny Wig, you’ll have every Sandy at the party swooning! You’ll also look awesome singing some karaoke.




Deluxe Grease Adult Danny Wig

You can’t blame Sandy for falling for Danny Zuko. First of all, he’s got the bad boy attitude that the ladies can’t resist. Second, his leather jacket makes him even more alluring. And finally, what lady wouldn’t want to run her fingers through Danny’s thick, shiny, jet black locks? You’ll have all the moves you need to woo your very own Sandy while you are wearing this Deluxe Grease Adult Danny Wig. All the other T-Birds will be jealous.

Deluxe Grease Adult Danny Wig | Halloween Costumes

Size: ST | Polyblend | GRE6010AD

Deluxe Grease Adult Danny Wig (50’s Costumes)